Have you at any time felt as though you don’t have the needed creative answer within you? Possibly you have been working on a very difficult path and the answers aren’t just coming? Probably you are seeking to put together an idea, smart idea for a client or a talk with your team and you can’t seem to be making any headway. Probably you’re seeking a innovative plan or motivational speech for your company and you feel a little disconcerting. I’ve had the experience as well, but sometimes I get out of bed in the morning and before I even set my feet on the floor, I instantly have an idea or a solution to an issue I’ve been attempting to fix. Evidently, your brain is at its most creative level just after you relax or rest; like just after you’ve slept.
I’m a professional trainer and in this blog, I will teach you the ideas which will ensure that you will have a flash of genius even, if you have no time to get some sleep.
To acquire that flicker of genius, let your brain rest. Let’s begin with the apparent one, sleep.
Always have more sleep at night, if you do sleep for less than 7 hours, try to sleep for longer hours at night, less than 7 hours of sleep is an indication that you are not having adequate night sleep and you will not be able to think clearly. Therefore, your priority is to make sure that you have more hours to sleep at night.
Disconnect yourself from modern technology from time to time. There is a reason that organizations like Google, known for advancement has table tennis at the workplace. This is to enable the brain to relax and refresh.
Go for a walk. Try not to take lunch at your desk. Go for a walk and if possible do it outdoors. Research indicates that going for walks truly enhances the neuro cell connection development in your brain.
Splitting up the intense work with a few rests in between is an important suggestion. Therefore, you’re confused, get your imaginative juices running by giving your brain a resting period.
Many thanks for taking time to read this blog, if you enjoyed it, I highly recommend you share with your loved ones and colleagues, by kindly forwarding it, posting it on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook, and tweeting it. I’m Cliff Locks, a professional executive advisor and Board of Director. As I say, be passionate in everything you do, model great leadership for others, understand your strengths and use them, set positive goals, make definitive plans based on them – and execute, it’s ok to admit when you fail and move on, and always motivate others. Let’s work together to enhance your leadership skills potential, visit www.InvestmentCapitalGrowth.com and click on the chat app on the lower right, or use this link to schedule a call www.calendly.com/clifflocks so we can schedule time together to help you fulfill your vision of success and opportunities help your company achieve its goals.