Scalability Requires A Talented Workforce…


 A mid-market health-care company with a growing client list that needed human-capital assets to manage exponential growth.

Challenge: The executive team knew it needed to mitigate human-capital risk  by taking a hard look at the future employment needs. This would ensure that the company would have adequate human-capital capacity to advance its goals and objectives.

Proposal: ICG proposed a top level engagement with HR Executives to review and report on strategic workforce planning to ensure the needed skills, training and motivation would drive the team to find the right workers to fill future employment gaps.

Solution: ICG would structure the engagement along five key steps to close the employment-needs loop and ensure that HR could identify talent, acquire workers with the necessary skills, and motivate the workforce.

Skill Clustering – The company developed a catalog that groups employees with similar positions and skills. This approach reduced complexity and allows the client to rotate employees among job families and groups.

Human Capital Supply Analysis – By linking the company’s HR supply analytics to its enterprise-resource-planning system, the client was able to ensure consistent and reliable data and factor in metrics such as historical attrition rates and retirement ages.

Demand Analysis – This approach includes models, targets, objectives, and projections that incorporate the different requirements of individual business units along dimensions such as volume, changes in the company’s asset structure, productivity and efficiency measures, and specific operational skills

Gap Analysis – By combining the supply and demand picture with skills clustering, the company gained insight into its HR situation at a very granular level—down to individual qualifications and inherent job requirements. With this approach, ICG Consulting quantified both the capacity and qualification risks for the current situation and the future outlook.

Human Resource Measures – These efforts help HR identify and appropriately manage the gaps between available and needed resources through structured response strategies..

Result: ICG Consulting helped close the loop. The company’s HR department can now identify, and even isolate, the business units and operational areas that have the most urgent needs — both current and projected for the future — and focus its efforts accordingly.