Team Coaching & Leadership Development - Investment Capital Growth

Team Coaching & Leadership Development

CEOs and Senior Managers frequently get caught up in the daily management of the business and fail to prioritize key issues. We can provide an objective partner to aid in discussions and assist in decision making capacities.

CEO’s commonly experience the need to discuss key concerns with someone other than top managers. Often, a senior manager needs a coach to assist –him/her in becoming a more effective manager or to capably manage a particularly difficult assignment. We identify a manager’s business objective and then collaborate to develop a personal action plan that will help him/her achieve the identified goals.

The owner of a mid-sized advertising agency needed to structure a plan to allow for his retirement.  ICG Consulting worked with the owner and his senior team to structure a buyout and implement a new management team to continue to grow the agency under new ownership

Increasing Top Team Performance


It has become commonly accepted that forming teams with individuals who are likely to have sufficient skills, knowledge and vision can positively help to guide an organization or a division to function through the complex maze of a rapidly changing work place. In today’s organizations, leadership is now seen as a shared function among top team members where collective wisdom, insight and knowledge will allow for cohesive joint decision-making.

It is imperative that in order for a top team to be effective, they understand their KPIs and how they fit into the business as a whole to fulfil the organization’s vision.

At ICG, we are acutely aware of the powerful forces that can prevail among the top teams. These are often long established patterns of behavior that may no longer be productive or appropriate. The outcome of such patterns may be the cause for reduced effectiveness of leadership.

Our Approach

Offering an objective and non-judgmental environment, ICG CONSULTING has the skills to unlock, motivate and maximize the potential within top teams by helping:

  • Team members to recognize the difference between operational and strategic styles of management and perform accordingly;
  • Team leaders to differentiate between operational and strategic meetings, and to improve skills and styles of management to succeed in both.

We work with top teams to help:

  • Gain insight into the interactive dynamics within the team which may inadvertently  impact upon performance;
  • Discover and explore the role relationships which may or may not have an impact on the personal relationships;
  • Question the characteristic methods of decision-making;
  • Cultivate effective feedback skills which help individuals learn to give and accept feedback with others.

Our experienced team members will help your top teams recognize, address and where necessary, change repetitive, unproductive styles that may be impeding success.

During the evaluation process, any individual working issues that are identified as possibly having a negative effect on team performance may best be addressed in a one-to-one mentoring and coaching session.

Increasing Top Team Performance

It has become commonly accepted that forming teams with individuals who are likely to have sufficient skills, knowledge and vision can positively help to guide an organization or a division to function through the complex maze of a rapidly changing work place.

In today’s organizations, leadership is now seen as a shared function among top team members where collective wisdom, insight and knowledge will allow for cohesive joint decision-making.

It is imperative that in order for a top team to be effective, they understand their KPIs and how they fit into the business as a whole to fulfil the organization’s vision.

At ICG, we are acutely aware of the powerful forces that can prevail among the top teams. These are often long established patterns of behavior that may no longer be productive or appropriate. The outcome of such patterns may be the cause for reduced effectiveness of leadership.

Our Approach

Offering an objective and non-judgmental environment, ICG Consulting has the skills to unlock, motivate and maximize the potential within top teams by helping:

  • Team members to recognize the difference between operational and strategic styles of management and perform accordingly.
  • Team leaders to differentiate between operational and strategic meetings, and to improve skills and styles of management to succeed in both.

We work with top teams to help:

  • Gain insight into the interactive dynamics within the team which may inadvertently impact upon performance
  • Discover and explore the role relationships which may or may not have an impact on the personal relationships
  • Question the characteristic methods of decision-making
  • Cultivate effective feedback skills which help individuals learn to give and accept feedback with others.

Our experienced team members will help your top teams recognize, address and where necessary, change repetitive, unproductive styles that may be impeding success.

During the evaluation process, any individual working issues that are identified as possibly having a negative effect on team performance may best be addressed in a one-to-one mentoring and coaching session.